Tuesday 8 June 2010

Next 3 monthly clinic

Since my last hospital weigh-in i'd lost 2.2kg (70.8kg)..
The registrar raised his eyebrows and suggested i have blood taken and another CT scan.

Losing weight doesnt bode well when recovering from cancer treatment, however i hadn't had any lunch before the (mid-afternoon) appointment and had built up quite a sweat getting there.

Also, in the last 12 months i've had 5 CT scans, each with the equivalent radiation dose of a trip to the moon and back. So i'm not really keen on another one, unless its absolutely necessary.

So Claudia took my blood at the breakfast table, much to Max's sgust (he misses out the "di" on various words eg: saster etc). And thankfully the tests have come back clear.
Then i re-measured myself on the same scales this morning after breakfast and was back upto 71.8kg. I think this was just a blip - atleast that's how i'm choosing to see it.

Tuesday 1 June 2010


Blog activity has dive-bombed this month.
To be honest, i haven't felt up to it.

We were away in Germany (in the Mosel region) for a week in early May. It was a lovely location and the self-catering accommodation was an amazing find. However i struggled with my emotions, became monosyllabic and found myself retreating into some of the darker corners of my mind. That wasn't good. Nor was it fair on Claudia or her parents who were visiting.

Back at home my GP has suggested i go for "talking treatments", rather than medication, for what he thinks is mild to moderate depression. Now there's a label! I'm on a referral list for counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Let's see how that goes.

Finding the right work-life balance is still proving difficult.

Regarding my physical recovery, dumping is almost sorted. I have about one dicky-tummy episode a week. Exactly what causes it is unclear, as i monitor what i eat quite closely. Nausea is also much less of a problem now.