Friday, 7 August 2009

Recovery in the slow lane

Well, in several respects things are going well. My manifold scars are healing.
I had more fluid removed from around my left lung yesterday afternoon, so my breathing has greater capacity and is more comfortable.
But my blood tests are showing that a background infection is rumbling on, despite receiving powerful anti-biotics since last Saturday. These drugs are suppressing my appetite and messing around with my bowel movements.

I'm often reminded by staff here of the huge-ness of the operation 2 weeks ago and that i need to allow enough time to recover. But it's dragging now, emotionally anyway.

Without any complications, i could have been home by now. One of my ward-mates left today. He had the same operation as me, but a week later!!! Fortunately, he had no complicating issues, so he's out enjoying this rare, lovely weather.

How i'd so desperately love to be home now, but i need to hang in there. I've been given a potential discharge date of Monday (10th)!! But any number of things could get in the way of that. Would value your prayers that the weekend would be a time of strengthening, beating infection and developing my appetite.


  1. Hang in there Pete. Your body is young and your immune system is strong. Maybe that is why you had the ongoing inflammatory fluid collections post op, because you are one of the stronger ones - who knows. I hear it is going to rain this weekend :-)
    Looking forward to seeing you. I have a card Max made for you when he was at mine last weekend. xxx

  2. Dear Pete we're always looking for your latest news... we think of you constantly and thank you so much for your braveness and strength in keeping this inspirational blog going. All encouragement for the weekend ... we look for great things early next week! God bless. Much love. Pam and Michael

  3. Wishing you a good weekend and praying for your speedy recovery.

  4. Hey Pete,

    Having had my sister deal with annoying bacterial complication after a simple c-section a couple months ago I somewhat know what you are going through. . . Just make sure you are getting some high end probiotics in your system at opposite times of the antibiotic. The stuff really helps the digestion and bowels and immune system. I imagine Claudi knows that already, but I can't stress how helpful the stuff is in your situation. Meg had a few of the top bacterial dr's deal with her during her hospital stay and the top top guy recommmended a particular most effective kind that he himself uses. I will get in touch with her and find out the name of the stuff. I may well may be wasting my typing skills here (if you are already fully doing that), but hey, it sure can't hurt eh! You are on our hearts and prayers for sure, all the time! He's gotcha. :)

  5. Hey Pete,
    I like Rani's train of thought. You'll be out of there soon. Maybe fighting off an infection now (still in the hands of your team) will reduce your chances of picking something up once at home! Thinking of you mate,

  6. Hey Pete,
    I shall be thinking of you a lot this weekend (ans praying). Heike is away to see her sister (but she often thinks of you as well). God bless
