Saturday, 25 July 2009


Pete was in a slightly better place today. Phew ! Thank you Lord.
Sporting doses of Morphine are giving him a bit of a glazed expression ;-) but there is a tentative smile. Also, he was able to sit out of bed for the first time today and lost a couple of drains, as well as the arterial line. He is hoping to be moved to a normal ward this evening or tomorrow.


  1. Daniela and Richard25 July 2009 at 20:47

    Hi Pete,
    the Higgs here. Really glad you are out of ITU. Well done for getting through the OP and fighting the pain. You're constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to a visit when the next slot is available.
    Lots of love Rx, Dx and the girls

  2. Hi Pete

    Pods here - mate you are in my prayers - I think of you often - would love to see you sometime... you are an inspiration hang on in there
    Lots of love

  3. hi pete and claudia,

    you're in our prayers. words are missing but we would love to hug you and tell you how precious you are for us.

    lots of love from hamburg
    deliah, sven and filippa

  4. Hi Pete, that jade-orange-purple combo is doing nothing for you, what were you thinking?
    Being high is no excuse for losing your groove. Hopefully the 'normal' ward will restore your mojo. x Louis

  5. Here is more love from Hamburg!
    God Bless, Hugs & Prayers
    from Heike & Karsten

  6. Wow, can't believe how good you look considering what your body has been through! With lots of love and prayers from Clare and Hugh

  7. Hallo, Ihr Süßen!
    Wir sind so von Herzen dankbar, daß Du die OP gut überstanden hast, Pete! Wir beten, daß Du Dich schnell erholst... Du siehst tatsächlich sehr gut aus, hoffentlich fühlst Du Dich bald auch wieder so! :)
    Claudi, mein Schatz! Der Herr schenke Dir weiterhin viel Kraft, wir sind mit den Gedanken und im Gebet bei Euch. Dicke Küsse an Dich und Deine Männer, von Anke, Björn, Hanna und Luca

  8. Hallo Ihr Beiden
    bin weiterhin in Gedanken bei euch. Gott schütze euch und gebe euch Kraft. Carola

  9. Karin and Morten27 July 2009 at 20:21

    Dear Pete and Claudi,
    we are thinking and praying for you. It is really moving to read about how everything is going.
    Love, Karin and Morten
