Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Breathing a sigh of relief

This is Claudia writing.
As I am typing this, it is nearly 8 pm and I still haven't been able to see Pete. He was out of theatre at 5.30 pm and I was told, it would be a while before he would be transferred to ITU, ready for visitors. Thankfully though ,I was able to speak to his surgeon on the phone earlier who reassured me that everything had gone smoothly and that he was very pleased with the result. The tumor was about 2 cm in length and did not seem to invade the deeper tissues or lymphnodes, although we will have to wait for the histology report to be sure. I am just about to go and see Pete now.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Thank you GOD.


  1. Thank you for letting us know Claudia. Rest easy, you are in good hands. He is strong for you all. Can't wait to see you all, let us know when visiting is a good idea, for Pete, but also for you. xLouis

  2. Just to let you know are prayers and thoughts are with you especially today, even Ella who has not yet had the privilege to meet you, prays that you will be better in the morning - we echo her prayer tonight. Much love Angie & Lee

  3. Woke up during the night (morning hours) praying for the fellow (you). Actually, I fell down the stairs and gave myself serious rug burn at about 9:30 am your time (we are 7 hours behind). While I moaned in pain I was reminded of Pete and was under the assumption that he (you) was beginning to be operated on. And now that I've read this blog for the first time in days, I realized that he was (you were) definitely being operated on at the same time I was compelled to pray for him (you)! That's our Father for you. . . Love you guys!!

  4. We're praying for you also.

    Lots of love & missing you all.

    Love Joe & Suzie

  5. Hallo Claudia & Pete,

    wir denken an und beten für Euch. Wir hoffen inständig, dass die Operation maximal erfolgreich war.

    Herzliche Umarmung

    Valentin, Veronika & Jewel
