Friday, 24 July 2009


After the initial euphoria and the immense relief following the successful operation, the pain is now setting in.
I found Pete quite low this morning, having been in a lot of discomfort since the early hours of the morning. Bless him, he was still putting on a brave smile for me, but I could tell he was having difficulty breathing because of the pain.
Yesterday he had proudly told me, he was "weaning himself off the Morphine", meaning he was using his PCA (patient controlled analgesia) less. It appears, that, with the anasthetic fully worn off and the level of painkillers in his blood dropping, the pain was allowed to creep up on him.
The team looking after him were quickly on the ball, encouraging him to use his painkilling "button" more and adding extra doses of drugs. The danger of experiencing more postoperative pain is, that Pete might avoid taking deep breaths, thereby allowing bugs to settle in his underventilated lungs. An infection is obviously not what he needs right now, so good pain control is vital. It was difficult to see Pete suffering and feeling so powerless myself. I admire his strength because he doesn't ever complain. Thank you for your ongoing prayers .
I know, God is right there with him.


  1. Brings it back Pete! I remember the happy button! Or rather thinking the pain relief wasn't working very well and then realising how well it had been working as it started to wear off. I also remember being trapped in that desperate viscous pain, but I sometimes managed to swim, even surf through it. So catch that wave and relax Pete, our dear brother. xLouis

  2. Liebe Claudi,
    wir sind auch mit unseren Gebeten täglich bei euch! Dicke, liebe Umarmung an dich und viel Kraft und Stärke von unserem schützenden Gott! Jesus ist bei dir und Pete - wie gut zu wissen!!

    Grußkuss aus Hamburg von Eva und Ingbert...

  3. we are thinking of you today as you wake up to all the newness of this post op season is....we are in teh middle of camp prep for setting up week this week and will pray for you everyday in our wee team meetins that you will remember warmly.keep going....youre in safe hands xx much love rachel and tim grace and ruth edwards-grundy

  4. An encouraging quote I just came across. . .
    "The usual thing we say when a crisis hits us is, “God permitted it”. That means that God is up there and we are underneath. But God isn’t up there at all! He is within. I never lift my eyes one single time to heaven to try to find Him up there, do you? I don’t waste my breath, my sight, or anything else. Why should I waste my time trying to get a Person to come down when He lives within me? I can see Him where He is, in a common bit of human flesh redeemed in His precious blood, packed full of the Holy Spirit." - Norman Grubb

    Much love B
