I am pleased to tell you all that Pete is doing really rather well considering the major physical assault yesterday.
I was able to spend some time with him last night and this morning, thanks to our wonderful friends Steve and Megs and Jonathan and Emma, who were looking after our boys during that time and who are housing us here in Bristol, whilst Pete is on ITU. I am just so grateful for the wonderful support we are getting from friends and family. Thank you all so much!
Now to Pete:
The operation took all day yesterday but went very smoothly, as the surgeons have reassured us. Pete now boasts a dizzying array of tubes and drains, not to mention the wonderful cocktail of drugs that helps him cope with the pain. (Let me see: two chest drains, an arterial line, central line, nasogastric tube, wound drain, catheter, PEG feeding tube and cannula for those of you interested in the juicy details)
When I saw him last night, he was still just coming round but was conscious and able to speak ,- looking rather dopey ;-)
This morning he appeared a lot more with it. He says the pain is manageable and the team of doctors, nurses and physios on the intensive care unit seem to be very happy with him.
I am impressed with the care he is getting and Pete feels really well looked after. Am now off to pick Max up and will be seeing Pete lateron, whilst my dear parents in law will be looking after the kids.
Hallo Claudia, ich freue mich zu lesen, dass die OP so gut verlaufen ist. Wünsche euch viel Kraft und Gottes Segen. Ich denke an euch.... Gruss Carola
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update Claudia. Send him huge love from us when you next see him (and keep some for yourself!)
ReplyDeleteLol, Yann and Hannah xxx.
So glad to hear that the op went well. We've all been on our knees (literally and metaphorically!), so thank you Lord.
ReplyDeleteNearly a riot when I turned up to play guitar at toddlers this morning instead of the lovely Claudi - never been so nervous!
A big hug to you and Pete (if you can get near him) - I bet he still looks gorgeous!
I'll be raising a galss to you at the Walcot men's evening tonight.
All love.
So pleased to hear the op went well. What a relief. We pray on and are so grateful to God that this phase has gone well. Love you all XXXX
ReplyDeleteHallo Claudia meine Süße und Starke!
ReplyDeleteIch freue mich so sehr zu lesen das die OP so gut verlaufen ist.Liebe Grüße an Pete.Hab Dich lieb mein Cousinchen.
Knutsch von Linda
Words fail me !! For one of the rare occasions in my life. You are both truly, truly wonderful and and I hug you with such love. Christ is with you both - always.
ReplyDeleteso much love from Anne and also from Tom, who has been adding his prayers to mine and sends text messages constantly.
preis den herrn! ich bin so froh zu lesen, dass alles soweit gut verlaufen ist. gib pete einen dicken kuss von mir und wünsch ihm gute besserung. ich hab euch so lieb. und hab mich sehr gefreut euch letztes wochenende zu sehen.
ReplyDeletebis hoffentlich bald.
dein schwesterchen hanne.
Hi Claudi,
ReplyDeletewie alle anderen sind wir erleichtert, dass soweit alles gut verlaufen ist. Wir denken die ganze Zeit an Euch und wuenschen Euch weiterhin alle Staerke der Welt! Drueck Pete ganz feste von uns und lass uns wissen wenn wir irgendetwas tun koennen...
Alles, alles Liebe von Familie Hornibrook