The new me is 1 today!
My 365th day without cancer started with the lovely Claudia bringing me a cup of tea in bed, a card and a present
(2hrs + pamper session at Bath's Thermae Spa!!).
Like the queen, i now have 2 birthdays - the original Pete and the new one.
It may seem a little strange, seeing things from this perspective, but on this day a year ago my whole "being" went through the most collosal change.
Its a threshold that quite simply determines everything in my life as either pre- or post-surgery.
The experience has been totally horrific and yet life-saving - utterly bewildering and yet packed with the deepest meaning - depressing but also filled with a hope for the future. A future with my gorgeous wife and children. I'd merely looked forward to it before all this. The new me desperately aches and yearns for it. Its such a precious thing.
Speaking of aches. I've had terrible stomach aches over the last week. Whether this is a grumbling tummy bug, dumping from eating the wrong things or constipation from becoming dehydrated in this warm weather, i'm not sure. I don't think anything sinister is going on though.
We love you Pete. The Dubreuils xxxxx