Monday, 5 July 2010

A little bit of CBT will do nicely...

The weight-loss thing was most probably a red herring. I saw my consultant last week (not his registrar, which was nice). He seemed confident that a CT scan at this stage wasn't necessary. From now on i will be seeing him every 6 months, with Nurse Jo calling me inbetween to make sure things are ok. These guys focus on the physical me. The emotional me bumbles on with its ups and downs.

A Psychological therapist rang me 10 days ago for a telephone assessment of my emotional well-being. I then received a copy of her letter to my GP, to learn that my PHQ-9, GAD-7 and WSAS scores (17, 13 & 16) were concerning... hmm. The longhand for these obscure alphanumeric formulas is "moderately severe level of depression", "moderate level of anxiety" and "significant impact on overall functioning".

Do i recognise myself here? On a good day, no. But there are days when the clouds roll in, and my GAD-7 and WSAS-ness take a real bashing. So i've been refered for a 6 week course of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

This will run from the end of July to early September. The NHS offers CBT in different formats. Working through an online program, group course work or 1 to 1 sessions. As the latter has a very long waiting list, i'll be dunking rich tea biscuits and learning coping mechanisms, on Monday nights, with some of Bath's other alphanumeric champions... Scintillating updates will follow!

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