In explanation to yesterday's one line outburst - a common cold that's been doing the rounds of the family suddenly blossomed over me during the day. As the usual symptoms took hold (sore throat, headache, runny nose) they welcomed back the nausea and fatigue, leaving me in bed for the rest of the day feeling very sorry for myself. Its now wearing off slowly, and a bit too slowly because i have a Pilates lesson in a couple of hours.
Due to the scar tissue, pulling and general aches in my chest/abdomen, my inclination is to walk around like a hunchback. Not the prettiest of sights around town, Bath Abbey already has a bellringer. And not good for a healthy posture either.
Indeed, Claudia's family have been so concerned by the lack of formal health service aftercare on offer, that they are funding my "Muskelaufbau" (now everybody say it: Muskel-aufbau - very good) training at a Pilates centre here in town. What a wonderful gift!
In Germany, healthcare financing is based on an insurance system, meaning - in a nutshell - that there is more money sloshing around, for a whole range of extra services including rehabilitation hospitals. For me, this would have entailed living for 4-6 weeks in a stylish german Spa Hospital undergoing all the dietary and physical training required for an all-round healthy recovery.
Us british patients have to feel our way through this ourselves and i'm sure we do a jolly good job of it, but somewhere in my deepest darkest subconscious my envy alarm is twitching away.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
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well, not sure what to make of the dilemmas of healthcare which could always use more money - but it certainly speaks of their love and concern for their precious Pete (had typed Previous Pete, but that was a genuine mistake!!!)
ReplyDeleteYour sense of humour still filters through the frustration and pain (cf bellringer comment).
You're one brilliant couple, though you probably don't feel like that one little [aching chest muscle] bit.