Theories abound about how it does choose to go: gradual thinning, in handfuls, coloured hairs first leaving the grey hairs. Maybe that's why i haven't really noticed anything!!
My hair has never really been an exciting affair. Except for my student days when i didn't wash it for 2.5 years and grew dreadlocks - now THAT was cool! (even my dad thought it was.. cub's honour).
Our family is blessed with a rather unruly frizz, if allowed unfettered growth.
My spent my early days and adolescence maintaining a veritable mushroom, before the freedoms of natural oils (i could write a PHD) and matted hair elevated my hairstyle to the pantheon of Bob Marley cool. Then i had to get a job.
I sneaked the last remaining dread through the interview process and first few months of office drudgery, hidden inside a new-look "shroom". The day my boss first observed it, was hilarious.
The clippers have followed since and its been Grade 1 & 2 all the way.
All except for one spell at Grade 0. The weekend i proposed to Claudia in Paris (Nov 1998, -5C).
I'd arrived in Hamburg months before, didn't speak much german then and popped into the barbers for a quick trim before whisking Claudia away - hmmm.
Will chemo bring some new influence, angle, approach to the thrilling story of my follicles?
I was always convinced that I was just too tall for my hair...Matt