Monday, 1 June 2009

Chemo Round 2- Last day!

My last infusion bag is now emptying itself into my right arm. That's about 10 litres worth of fluids since last Wednesday. Its quite hot in the ward today and 25 degrees outside, however no sun for me for a while!
One of the chemo drugs makes my skin sensitive to sunlight.

I haven't really banged on about my side-effects this time. But they're more or less the same (nausea, constipation and fatigue). Except that instead of crazy smells, i have a strong metallic taste in my mouth, a bit like when you've chewed on a pencil for too long and can taste the lead. But hey, could be a lot worse.

A good number of visitors lined up today. We continue to be uber-blessed by the love, prayers and support of friends and family. Thanks so much!! We love you.


  1. Rachel McDonough1 June 2009 at 14:13

    Hi Pete,
    Really pleased this round has almost finished for you. We have been thinking of you lots and have hoped that your side effects have been slight and that the success of it will be HUGE!
    Here's to the drip being taken out and you being back home with your truly wonderful family.
    love to all
    Rachel, Sean, Joseph, Olivia and Grace xxxxx

  2. thanking the Lord that you re nearing returning to rogers care camp and then to your nearest and dearest.Much love from teh oxford crew plus my brother tim and anna xx
