Friday, 8 May 2009

Constipated / 83kg (Day 3)

Guys, thanks for all the wonderful texts, emails, calls, visits, blog comments, thoughts and prayers.
Your love & support are massively uplifting and the many messages are a great connection to the glorious outside world i can partially spy through the high bay window (i love this time of year!).

I hope you're all well.
I'm not too bad at the moment. Tired, slightly constipated, 2kg heavier from the extra fluids and keeping nausea at bay with regular pills. At this stage its difficult to determine how many of these are emerging side effects or if 2 days in hospital does this to everybody. My appetite is still good, even for the hospital food. Gloopy vegetable soup and beef sandwiches tonight. mmm.

My drug chart tells me that i have 3 full days of chemo left in this 1st round, meaning that i should be able to go home late on Monday night. Roll on Tuesday morning!!


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