I'm reading a book by Dave Hopwood called the Bloke's Bible, which explores various biblical stories with a fresh narrative, followed by the author's musings as he sits, pint in hand in his favourite local.
Today i was reading about (soon to be King) David on the run, scared, hunted down as described in 1 Samuel ch 24. A lonely place to be which inspired him to write Psalm 13.
David's gut-wrenching, screaming questions in Psalm 13 verses 1& 2 reveal his remarkable honesty with God. "Oh Lord, how long will you forget me? forever? How long will you look the other way?"
He's in a dark place, but he ultimately trusts in God's reliability to bring good out of his life-threatening situation.
"But i will trust in your unfailing love, i will rejoice for you have rescued me.." (verses 5&6)
Despite the 3000 yrs separating David in the Judaen Desert and me on an Oncology ward, i draw comfort from his experience. I sometimes feel my life's in danger, although my cancer has been caught relatively early. Statistically, i don't have a 100% chance of surviving all this. Weird..
But i have seen God at work in all of this (and i'm not sure he's a great fan of statistics). I have sensed his peace in some of the most testing times. He has blessed me with the most awesome supportive circle of family and friends. And i have a sneaking suspicion that he's not finished with me yet!
I discovered last night that one of the lads i share this bay with, also has a faith/hope in God. Another little spark in this dark(ish) place.