Thursday, 30 April 2009

Chemo preparations - Tests & new date

Well, in the last 2 days i've completed all the Chemo preparations bar one.
I've had blood samples taken (by Claudia at the breakfast table), and sperm samples (don't go there!). I've taken an audio test (pictured.. !?!) and signed the consent forms for the Chemo to begin.

Tomorrow i have a 4hr kidney function test and then that should be it.

We've also heard today that my chemo start date has been moved forward a week to the 6th May (from the 13th). Well done Nurse Jo!! This is great news, although i feel a lot needs to be prepared in that time, particularly at work.

Our church family have organised us a long weekend at Lee Abbey (where Claudia and i met) for a bit of rest and recreation before my cancer treatment begins. Bless them!! We'll be back on Monday.


  1. Digging the headphones! Got your email this morning and have been thinking of you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. All the best, Barnaby

  2. have a great time at Lee Abbey. We are thinking of you all lots xx

  3. Can't quite imagine the kind of body fluids breakfast scenario you speak of (!) Trust you, Pete, to find a way to indulge in such shenanigans. Thinking of you and Claudia. Hugs and kisses from us all at Ammique. Bye for now Marlene xxx

  4. Hey never realised Max was such a protege! If he has a spare slot in his diary can we book a recital?
    Hope LA is a real break. Sorry not to be catching you at Paul and Lizzie's on Sunday.
    Big huge hug for you all - much love C, G, C, and H xxxxx
