Sunday, 4 April 2010

New life

What a precious gift this life is. You only get one crack at it. Its full of mysteries that science tries to unravel and medicine tries to heal. It seems so fragile, and yet its so powerful.

Easter bursts at the seams with it. Jesus' journey from death to life has to be the most significant single event in human history. Death is no longer the full-stop. He is the source of life in all its fullness. Consider that!

During our Easter morning celebrations, Claudia and 3 others - including Darren's Linda!! - were baptised (also a symbol of passing from death to new life).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, welch Überraschung. Da sitzt man auf dem Sofa, guckt mal wieder auf Petes Block und dann diese Taufe. Echt super. Herzliche Umarmung und dicke Umarmung von den Jungs (Eva & Ingbert)
