Friday, 1 January 2010

New Year - new anything?

I've done it so many times before.. promised myself that THIS year will be different. I will learn a new skill, become a better husband, read more bible etc
But this new year will be significant for me, in view of something i wish NOT to happen, but which is something i can do nothing about.
I don't want cancer to be a part of my 2010.
Its all happened so quickly. This time last year i had no idea i'd be diagnosed with oesophageal cancer.
Now its theoretically all over, bar the all-clear, inevitably the doubts linger. Is it really all over? did they really catch every cell? might it come back?
I'd like to think that the millions of cancer patients in my shoes, think the same way. Its seems so terribly cowardly.
Its just that New Year offers a unique opportunity to ponder on the next complete calendar year of your life, and what you hope might/not happen in it. Based on 2009's revelations, i think i'll be opting for the sober hope for 2010, that nothing too dramatic occurs.
Ask me how i feel in February. I hope i'll have a braver resolution ready by then!


  1. Hope that you are now feeling better and you were able to enjoy some of your time in Germany without feeling ill. How is Darren doing now?Happy 2010! Hope to see you guys again soon, lots of love Emma et al xxxx

  2. I agree. We had same experience driving back from Germany on 3rd Jan ! Lots of love to you all XXXX
