Friday, 16 October 2009

Updates - Family

If a candle had 4 ends to burn...
On top of everything she does at home and now at work, Claudia is revising for a GP exam on the 28th. Most of her evenings are spent on the computer answering multiple-choice test questions. If you chance to involve her in conversation in the next 2 weeks, she's likely to offer you 1 of 5 opinions: a, b, c, d or e.

Who has entered the "why" phase in the last week, with a vengeance!
Today we got to 4 generations of "why" on the subject of washing hands after using the toilet, before my patience wore out.

While his contemporaries are busy testing out their baby-walkers, rolling around or crawling, Louis is still happiest whilst sitting on his Pringle rug with a selection of much-loved, dribbled-on toys. His calm is a welcome contrast to his brother's energy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh its so great to hear of you and your wonderful family. Keep up the blog - and love to all.
